This time camping I was a little bit bigger and a lot more awkward. Getting in to our tent wasn't so difficult but there were lots of laughs at 3am when I tried to clamber out of the tent. It was not a pretty sight, I'm sure.
Mini-McEvoy was also a lot more active this time around. He/She seemed to like camping and the fresh air because he/she would not stop moving at night. I think the added excitement of a nighttime visit by a skunk didn't help.
We took my parents with us and had a great time (car accident included). We made hobo packs for dinner, roasted marshmallows for dessert and made pancakes for breakfast. The weather was beautiful although I do wish it had rained a bit because I love hearing the rain fall on a tent.
I think I can safely say this was the last camping trip before the arrival of Mini-McEvoy. Our next camping trip is tentatively scheduled for spring when the baby is a couple of months old.
I thought getting out of the tent at 8 months pregnant was interesting but taking a 4 or 5 month old camping will probably prove to be even more interesting!
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