What I'm about to write about comes from the worldly experience of someone with zero outside babies and only one safe-in-the-womb baby BUT is this really necessary?This is a sign that (presumably) new moms can buy to put on their stroller/car seat so that strangers will not touch their baby. Until I saw this, I didn't realize a person could pay money to be passive aggressive but some wonderful company has figured it out.
I understand the need to protect a newborn from all the big bad germs out there but does that also mean that you can no longer verbally communicate with others? Is it so hard to say something if you think someone is getting too close? Wouldn't that be better, and nicer, than letting a sign do all the talking?
Besides the fact that I think this sign would just attract people rather than repel them.
Being a pregnant vegetarian, I am hyper-aware of my protein intake. My doctor is always quizzing me about protein and reminding me to eat protein at every meal.
My doctor seems happy with how I'm doing so far (no anemia - yea!) but tried to recommend yogurt for a quick morning protein. Unfortunately, I have an aversion to yogurt. Or, perhaps more correctly, I have a hatred for yogurt.
For one, it is never cold. You could literally take it right out of the refrigerator and eat it and it will still taste lukewarm. Why? I have no idea.
Two, the flavor always tastes super fake to me. It always taste like someone added a candy version of fruit to the mix. I went for a honey-flavored version once and it was what honey would taste like if Willy Wonka made it rather than bees.
Three, I've never been able to add things to regular yogurt. For example, I tried making my own honey yogurt once and I just ended up with honey flavored lumps interspersed throughout the yogurt. Gross.
So, try as I may, yogurt just doesn't cut it for me. Possibly adding to my hatred for all things yogurt is the advertising of yogurt. That's why this short video below makes me laugh until I cry. It is so true and so funny.
So the last time we went camping, Mini McEvoy and myself were much much smaller. Mini-McEvoy was also much less mobile before.
This time camping I was a little bit bigger and a lot more awkward. Getting in to our tent wasn't so difficult but there were lots of laughs at 3am when I tried to clamber out of the tent. It was not a pretty sight, I'm sure.
Mini-McEvoy was also a lot more active this time around. He/She seemed to like camping and the fresh air because he/she would not stop moving at night. I think the added excitement of a nighttime visit by a skunk didn't help.
We took my parents with us and had a great time (car accident included). We made hobo packs for dinner, roasted marshmallows for dessert and made pancakes for breakfast. The weather was beautiful although I do wish it had rained a bit because I love hearing the rain fall on a tent.
I think I can safely say this was the last camping trip before the arrival of Mini-McEvoy. Our next camping trip is tentatively scheduled for spring when the baby is a couple of months old.
I thought getting out of the tent at 8 months pregnant was interesting but taking a 4 or 5 month old camping will probably prove to be even more interesting!
On the way home from camping this weekend (more on that later), we encountered this
coming towards us in our lane. Adam was driving and luckily reacted in time to avoid a direct head-on collision. He drove the car off the road and we hit this
The only significant damage caused to my wonderful beloved Subaru (as far as we can tell at this point) is this
All of us are fine. We were a bit rattled but we had an hour to calm down before the Perry County Sheriff arrived. Mini McEvoy is doing well and was moving around normally all afternoon and evening. I am going to the doctor tomorrow for my bi-weekly checkup and will, of course, mention the accident just in case she wants to do an ultrasound to check on everything.
In the meantime, we are thanking our lucky stars that everything turned out okay. It is amazing how quickly an accident like that can happen.
I'll never be able to make fun of Adam's driving again!
As promised, here are some photos from the shower weekend. My friend took all of these so I cannot claim the credit. Liz, if you are reading this, were you getting artsy with these pictures or did my computer somehow make them look like this? Either way, I think they are good.
My friends and family threw me a baby shower this weekend and it was so much fun. Mini-McEvoy got so many wonderful gifts and it was so much fun to see everyone. Plus, there was cake. From Community Bakery. What more do I really need to say?
I did not take one photo but I hope to post some (once others post them, ahem) soon. Rest assured, a good time was had by all. The weather really cooperated this weekend so we were able to spend a lot of time outdoors at the RiverMarket walking around, eating, going down the World's Biggest Slide (not really, but kind of), eating, running away from mimes and eating. I also got to introduce Mini-McEvoy to his/her future best friend/soul mate Mini-Boineau. I'm glad we can say their first meeting occured while they were both in utero.
It was all over too soon which just reminds me that we really do need to set up some sort of reunion weekend in the Hamptons at some point in the not too distant future. I see large amounts of cinnamon toast, truth-or-dare games and gay wedding marathons in our future.
Possibly the best part was bringing all of the gifts to our apartment and realizing that the cats DID NOT jump all over, sleep on or in any way mess with Mini McEvoy's things. I think this bodes well for our future.
We're still in the squash stage and will be for the next 2 weeks, I believe. I officially switch to week 30 on Saturday but it is doubtful I will be blogging between now and then. My sister/brother-in-law/niece and my friends (most of whom I haven't seen since my wedding 2 years ago) are coming to town for my baby shower!
I am so excited to see them. The only problem I've encountered is that all of the usual things we would do (i.e. - going to smoky bars and drinking copious amounts of alcohol) are not an option. I'm sure we'll think of some pretty good alternatives though.
I am usually not home to enjoy daytime TV but today I happened to catch a segment of a TV show called "The Doctors."
First, let me just say that IF these are real doctors I would be very concerned to be their patient. They all kind of seem like doofuses. I don't often use the word doofus but it seems extremely applicable here.
On today's show they had what amounted to the worst endorsement for cloth diapers I've ever seen.
Enjoy! (And for some good and actually pertinent information on cloth diapers, I suggest going to Jillian's Drawers.)
Since I'm still in my 20s, I have not yet begun to feel the effects of aging but I think being pregnant must be a lot like getting old. I wake up every morning and some aspect of my body has changed.
Some days, it is a good thing: my belly is a little bigger, my hair is thicker, my face is glowing-er.
Some days, it is a bad thing: I have a weird pain in my thigh, my belly itches, there is a rash on my knee.
The thing about it is that my body is not the same one day to the next. That sameness is something I've counted on for basically my whole life. Even puberty was gradual. Pregnancy, on the other hand, is day-by-day and each day is different than the one before it.
I really love the days that bring proof of my baby. Like the day the baby kicked so hard Adam could (finally) feel it. Or the day I looked down when the baby was moving to see my belly moving. Even the days that bring puffy ankles. Each day is memorable, exciting and welcome in its own right.
I wonder if I'll miss these days when the baby is finally here.
Here are some pictures of our completed bird mobile. The whole thing cost $12 and I think it came out great. Here's what I used:
Branches Scrapbook paper (for birds) This bird template Ribbon (to hang the branches to the ceiling) Thread (to hang the birds to the branches) Spray paint
And here's how they turned out: (The picture quality isn't great but you should get the idea).
The mobiles (crib mobile on left - changing table mobile on right)
Close-up of changing table mobile
Baby's Perspective (changing table mobile)
Close-up of crib mobile
Baby's Perspective (crib mobile)
Close-up of Paper Bird
Also, if you are wondering, the green bird prints are from Target (in the $1 section!!)
Yesterday was a beautiful, spectacular fall day in Arkansas and we wanted to spend it rambling around so we headed to Petit Jean.
While up on the mountain we robbed two trees of their branches in order to make mobiles for the crib and the changing table area. I felt bad about getting live branches but Adam said we had to. So, we picked branches that would eventually be cut anyway.
The best part is that these branches came from Camp Mitchell which is not only where I went to camp for every year as a kid but also where Adam and I wed almost exactly two years ago.
An added bonus was watching Adam try to wrangle the branches from the trees. Those poor trees did not want to let go. Pictures of the completed mobiles to come.
The baby this week is the size of a squash. Appropriate for this time of year, I think.