we've got our first tomato
and our first little zucchini
BUT, we also have our first pest of the season. Slugs.
It has been so wet this season and the slugs seem to really like the nice, moist mulch we have provided. We first noticed them when we harvested lettuce for the first time and had to pick several slugs off the inner leaves.
Then, yesterday, we went to the garden to discover they had severely munched on our zucchini and cucumber leaves.
We're not real worried because the zucchini, cucumbers and lettuce all have a lot of new growth so they are far from dead.
But we need to get rid of these slugs.
Our plan of action: get the slugs drunk. That's right, apparently, slugs LOVE beer. They love it so much that if you leave a bowl of beer out they will crawl right in and drown. We are also going to spray the leaves of the plant with a soapy water mixture to make them distasteful.
We'll see how it works!
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