The first tilling of our plot occurred a few days ago. One of our community farm-neighbors let us use his tiller and we were so happy for it. Up until then, we had been hoeing and shoveling by hand.
We had a basic design for our plot. We made about 5 rows in front and 8 rows in back. In the middle of the plot we designed a seating area surrounded by circular beds. All of our beds are raised to keep the moisture area high around the plant roots without actually drowning the plants.
After spending a day out at the farm, all of our hard work was washed away by one of several storms that moved through the Little Rock area. That's how it goes, I suppose.
After fixing the beds, our next project was to put up a fence. We didn't have a lot of money to put towards a fence but I wasn't about to use the ugly plastic construction fence some other community plot-ers were using. (We may be cheap but we're not tacky!)
Luckily we found a plastic material that resembles chicken-wire that was actually cheaper than the ugly construction fence! It is about 3' high so we hung string above it and tied ribbon to it to scare off any would-be garden raiders.
After the fence was complete we were ready to plant!
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