I think I've finally found a blog template that I truly like. At times like this, I really wish I knew how to do computer graphic design stuff. I know what I like I just don't know how to make it.
Anyway, the title of this template is "Catch Me" which I think matches our blog title "Ramble Bramble" pretty well. Speaking of rambling, there is lots going on in the McEvoy household which I'll be sure to catch everyone up on soon.
Also, I'm playing around with the ads. I hope the ads aren't obnoxious. Now that I've actually got some readers, I thought I'd try it out. If it becomes too intrusive, though, I'm getting rid of them. Until I get a job (more on that soon) though I thought it couldn't hurt to bring in some income - no matter how small!
I love the new design! Very nature-y and bright and you. :-)
Thanks Annie! Of course, I'd like to just steal your design but that wouldn't be very nice. (Plus, I don't know how!)
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