
I've met God and she's a lactation consultant in Nashville

The lactation consultant figured out our problem in minute one of our consultation. Ellis Rose is holding her tongue up and back when she's nursing. It is supposed to be down and sticking out somewhat.

At first, I honestly felt pretty stupid that I didn't realize this was the problem. I guess I was so focused on making her sure her mouth was wide open and her lips were flared that I didn't notice her tongue was all wonky.

As to how long this has been going on? Who knows. It could've been like this from the beginning or it could be a problem she developed once she had a few bottles. The two main points, however, were that:

1) it makes mama hurt
2) it is an inefficient way to nurse - she doesn't get enough milk this way

The solution to this problem? I have to stick my tongue out at her before she nurses. This little part is, according to my dad, proof that god has a sense of humor. Because I cannot stick out my tongue. My problem is that I have a short frenulum and while Ellis Rose has a shorter frenulum than most, it is long enough for her to stick her tongue out.

However, I can apparently stick mine out far enough for Ellis Rose to get the point. There are some other exercises we can work on too which, all combined, will make me look like an insane woman when I'm nursing her. But whatever works, right?

I continue to revise my nursing goals. Some days, I think I can do it for 1 year. Other days, I think it'll be more like 6 months. Still other days, I think I'll maybe make it another 5 minutes. But, no matter what, I've made a rule for myself. If I ever decide to quit nursing I have to wait 24 hours before I actually quit. I usually change my mind during that time.

When I left the lactation consultant, I told her I would have driven further and paid more for her services. It was well worth a quick trip to Nashville and a measly 80 bucks.


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