This is why I shouldn't watch TV before bed. I saw a story featuring this product on Nightline and it got me all riled up and now I can't sleep.
But, honestly, prenatal education?
Isn't it bad enough that parents are trying to teach their kids to read from day 1? Or forcing them to learn how to play an instrument before they can walk? Or teaching them all the continents before they reach Kindergarten?
Call me crazy but I think it is more important that my child develop a love of books, an appreciation for music and an ability to relate to the world than be the first in their class to identify words, music notes and countries.
But apparently that isn't even enough for some parents because they are turning to products that supposedly will help advance their children later in life. Products that can be used while their child is still in utero.
Although, I have to say, maybe their kid will need all the help they can get because they obviously aren't coming from the greatest gene pool if their parents buy this crap.
But maybe that's too harsh.
It is just that all of this makes me kind of sick. Aren't kids naturally curious? Won't they discover things on their own? Is it really necessary that we point everything out to them or that we make them "learn" before they are ready? Isn't it better for them to ask questions than for us, as parents, to feed them information?
I realize I have zero children at this point and I have no idea what I'm really talking about. But this just struck me as wrong.
And now that I got that off my chest, maybe I can get some sleep.
Not bad article, but I really miss that you didn't express your opinion, but ok you just have different approach
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