Since I'm still in my 20s, I have not yet begun to feel the effects of aging but I think being pregnant must be a lot like getting old. I wake up every morning and some aspect of my body has changed.
Some days, it is a good thing: my belly is a little bigger, my hair is thicker, my face is glowing-er.
Some days, it is a bad thing: I have a weird pain in my thigh, my belly itches, there is a rash on my knee.
The thing about it is that my body is not the same one day to the next. That sameness is something I've counted on for basically my whole life. Even puberty was gradual. Pregnancy, on the other hand, is day-by-day and each day is different than the one before it.
I really love the days that bring proof of my baby. Like the day the baby kicked so hard Adam could (finally) feel it. Or the day I looked down when the baby was moving to see my belly moving. Even the days that bring puffy ankles. Each day is memorable, exciting and welcome in its own right.
I wonder if I'll miss these days when the baby is finally here.
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