Maybe it is a little misleading to call a corner of our bedroom the "nursery." We live in a 1-bedroom apartment (until the summer, at least) and so Mini McEvoy will get a corner, albeit the best corner, in the room.
That little fact is not going to stop me from decorating but I am trying to keep the decorations cheap, easy to move and to a minimum. A focus of my decorating has been on the mobile. I don't like any of the mobiles available in stores (they seem to be more for the adults in the room rather than the baby lying in the crib) so I decided to make a mobile instead.
I first saw this and thought I'd give something similar a try. I liked the fact that this would look interesting from the baby's perspective.
But then I saw this and fell in love with the branch part. (Not so much the star part.)
I think I'll be able to cobble something together. We'll see what happens. Mini McEvoy may end up with just a branch hanging above his/her crib.
I have to say I've already felt a little Mama guilt because my baby will not have his/her own nursery. Despite the fact that this situation will remedy itself when the baby is 6-7 months old, the guilt remained until I saw Oprah's tour of a typical Danish house.
It reminded me that I really don't need a big house to be happy and neither do my kids.
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